Mama look B’loony is smiling Don’t you just love it when your little ones use their imagination? I know I do. My little one is creative and I hope she never loses it. She is also very witty which I think isn’t a bad trait to have.he gets jokes when...



We have a pandemic that has hit the world hard. This has left many people stuck at home not knowing what to do with their kids. I am definitely one of those people.o on the first weekend of social distancing after the first stage of lock down the...



Most mothers struggle with what to do with their children’s hair. My kids unfortunately have the African touch to their hair and for little miss she struggles the most as she will not have her hair short.”A lady has long hair mama.” is always her...



Hey mamas. What do you do with yourselves on your free time? For years all I did was be a partner, mum and employee. I did get to do my nails once in a while catch up with friends but never really had time to just do me. To unwind and do...



Raising a child with CHD

Raising a child with CHD

y guest blogger this month is a beautiful lady who had a beautiful son with HLHS Hypoplastic left heart syndrome). Here’s her story: Mending Wesley’s Heart Tell us a little bit about you and your familyHi! We are a family of 5. We live in the...

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Toilet training

Toilet training

fter talking to many mothers, most say it is easy to toilet train a girl than it is a boy. Though some will argue and say training a boy is a lot easier.Having Kupa as my first I guess I had no other child to compare so I went with the flow. Toilet...

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Elf on the shelf: Christmas traditions

Elf on the shelf: Christmas traditions

t is that time of the year that some of us love and some do not. Many people now have this belief that Christmas is a way to get people to spend money and for companies to make more money. Due to different beliefs some celebrate and some don’t....

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Having multiple babies

Having multiple babies

y guest blogger this month is a beautiful mum who was pregnant with twins and had to go through an early delivery due to complications that can happen when having multiple babies. She will talk bit about her thoughts and feelings during the...

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Baby wearing

often walk around carrying my kids on my back and for years many people asked me how i did it with just a towel. You can pretty much use anything you can wrap around you and the child you are carrying. That is a sarong, sheet, light blanket or bath...

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Dealing with Type 1 Diabetes in children

Dealing with Type 1 Diabetes in children

here is so much information on diabetes out and there are so many parents who have to care for children diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at a young age. My guest blogger this month is a mother who had her daughter diagnosed at a young age. I am one...

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DIY faux fur rug

DIY faux fur rug

o i have been trying to redo the kids rooms so today I decided to do a DIY faux rug for little miss’ room. Funny it wasn’t that difficult for a first timer.   o I needed about 1m x1m of faux fur1m x 1m non-slip materialYour...

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Keeping the children entertained

Keeping the children entertained

o we have had to spend a lot of time together at home, the kids and I. These two easily get bored because mama can’t keep up with their energy at times.So we have gone from playing with play dough making pizzas and using our imagination....

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Beauty at it’s best

Beauty at it’s best

love both my children so much. Having a son as a first  child I thought I had it figured out. Then came along lil miss sunshine. She is a ray of sunshine for sure. I was a tomboy growing. I loved kicking the ball in the streets. Climbing trees and...

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Dealing with illness: Asthma

Dealing with illness: Asthma

hen certain seasons come around some parents tend to dread them because their children may have allergies, hayfever or asthma. These can flare up due to season change or pollen or dust mites.Name it, it can cause any one of these. Growing up I was...

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