Mother’s day treats

May 11, 2017 | PARENTING

I think mothers should be celebrated everyday. But that’s just my opinion. With all the hard work mothers do some of it if not most, goes unappreciated, unnoticed and sometimes ignored. It is amazing how children get so excited over doing something nice for their mothers. Mother’s day treats are something I know myself and many mothers out there look forward too or hope for.


hildren’s excitement

 When you think of children’s excitement over certain things, it melts your heart doesn’t it? Last week when I went to pick up my son he says to me, “mama you have to come to my school on Monday.” I am thinking, I am the one who drops you off everyday and picks you up so I will be at your school. So I say to him, “why bubba?” He says with the biggest grin on his face, “because it’s your special day and I want to treat you.” I was standing there thinking, ‘be still my heart.’ I was about to burst into tears. My son has the kindest heart. He knows how to treat the women around him with respect and to cherish them too. Whenever I dress up he always tells me that I look beautiful. I get more compliments from my 4year old than I do anyone else. He is constantly telling his sister she is beautiful as well. I hope he stays this way as he gets older. I told him I was excited to come and have him spoil me.

So Monday came up, that is today and as tired as I was after just finishing a night shift, I went to school to drop him off. They had a little performance they did with his class. They sang so beautifully and he was in his comfort zone. He can be quite the performer. After the singing he grabs me by my hand and pulls me to the first station where I could lie down and he placed cucumbers in my eyes. “Here you go mama, you have to relax.”


felt so relaxed for sure. Within a few minutes he was leading me to the next station where he sat me down and started massaging my back and shoulders. He did it so gently telling me I was hard working and had to relax. Then I had my hands massaged and finally he made me a bracelet. I couldn’t have been any prouder. He made me so happy and he was so excited to do all these wonderful things for his mama. It is wonderful that their teachers also teach them to appreciate their mothers and women in their lives.

I remember my first mother’s day he was only 2 months old and my heart was so heavy with so much love for this little human being that had made me a mother. Someone would be calling me mama in no time. I was reading about how some mothers experienced their first mother’s day and how they felt. For some like who wrote, ‘But I get to wake up and pick my baby up out of her crib. I get to kiss her right where her neck meets her cheeks, which she loves.’ It is the best feeling having to be called mommy and to hold your baby and be celebrated on that one day. This year though, it will be my first mother’s day as a mother of two. It is exciting because this time last year I was pregnant and having complications with my pregnancy I never thought I would have my baby.

Not all about the children

 Mother’s day is not all about the children. It is also a day for the fathers of those children to cherish the women in their lives who brought the little beings they call their children into this world. I know myself like most mothers out there, look forward to even the cheapest flowers.

It can be the one day in a year I could get flowers bought for acknowledgement, love and to show some appreciation. It is also a time for us as children to thank our own mothers because we now know what they went through raising us. Since becoming a mother myself I have not had the privilege of spending mother’s day with my mother as time and distance never permits. I now know after having my two children that being a mother is a tough gig and yet she had four. One does not necessarily have to spend lots of money to show how much they love their mother. Projects with the little ones to make personalized items I find to be the best because they would have done that whole-heartedly. There are so many places to get ideas and my favorite is Pinterest. This year I went and did my own little project. The grandmothers and great grandma and mama are all getting something to cherish from my kids.


was a little bit selfish with last year’s project because that I wanted to display my artwork and hard work the kids and I did.



I said this already and I will say it again. Mother’s day should be everyday because the queens in our lives whom we call mothers have a massive task each and everyday and they wear their heavy crowns with such pride and strength. Keep on keeping on mamas for you are doing an awesome job wherever you are. Some are doing it alone and some are lucky to have someone helping but every mother deserves to be treated on this special day and everyday of their lives.