Life Update: Two Years Later

Oct 18, 2024 | PARENTING


Hello, lovely people!

It’s been a while, two years to be exact since I last wrote a blog post. So much has happened, and I’ve been immersed in the whirlwind of life, trying to juggle it all. The biggest chunk of my time has been spent building my business, Zebra Aesthetics, from the ground up. It’s been a wild but fulfilling journey to see it grow, but as many of you know, with success comes sacrifice.

Being an entrepreneur has demanded my full focus, and at times, it’s felt like there’s been no room for anything else. My dating life has certainly taken a hit—I’m still single, and trust me, there have been a few bad dates and bumps along the way. I’m talking about the kind of dates you laugh about with friends afterward but silently wish hadn’t happened. It’s been a reminder that not everything is in our control, no matter how much we plan.

Friendships have been another area of life that’s seen both highs and lows. Unfortunately, I’ve had to let go of some relationships that were built on deceit. It’s always painful to realize that the people you trusted aren’t who they appeared to be, but I’m learning that letting go is sometimes the most empowering choice. On the brighter side, new friendships have blossomed, and they’ve been a refreshing reminder that life is constantly evolving, and so are the people who come into it.

Despite the ups and downs, I’ve managed to carve out some moments for myself as a solo mum and traveler. Those quiet pockets of time where I can pause, reflect, and just be have helped me become a better mum and businesswoman. I’ve realized that while I’m constantly busy, self-care is still a priority. After all, how can we pour from an empty cup?

So, here I am, after two years of navigating this crazy thing called life, grateful for the lessons, the growth, and the people who have stood by me through it all. I’m excited to reconnect with you here on this platform and share more about my journey. Let’s see where the next chapter takes us.

Thanks for sticking around!

Much love,